Sunday, December 23, 2012

Treat obesity as physiology, not physics : Nature News & Comment

I find it sadly amusing that we still strive to reduce the obesity/diabetes problem down to one cause. As if reality and the world were binary: either/or. Instead of a very complex and dynamic network of factors involved with obesity and associated diseases. Until a human being is viewed holistically as a dynamic organism that responds to its intrinsic and extrinsic environment, and that the process to a state of obesity and diabetes is multifactorial, we will continue to blunder along as if blindfolded.

Treat obesity as physiology, not physics : Nature News & Comment


  1. Unfortunately, the problem won't face the reality. My wife views her patients "holistically" (if you will), but the number of excuses, if, ands, buts, perhaps, maybes and just plain "what can I do? (sob) that she is confronted with daily makes me wonder why she chose to be a CDE in the first place.
    I suggest that we will continue to blunder along.... sans all the rest of the words.

    At any rate, know that I (and for sure my wife) are in your boat... now if we only had paddles and some stop-leak.

    Come visit.... you'll get another, perhaps interesting perspective...

    Ciao... Mike.

  2. Thanks for the comment, Mike. I will add that most of academia and the medical community tend to ignore (or readily give up on) the other factor of the reality: human psychology. As if we are organisms in a test tube without consciousness.
